Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Today is St. Patrick's Day. So, to all of my friends, I thought this was a good day to send out some well wishes to everyone today!! Here in the State of Utah, as of today, from what I heard in Salt Lake City, there is a St. Patrick's Day parade going on. But at the same time the weather, is going to be a bit windy and in the 40's. So, hopefully the wind won't put a damper on the parade. I wish not only for me to share this on FB, I can share it with someone else, but I still cannot contact that certain person. It would be nice if my special friend knew that I was thinking of him and that I hope he has a good day and evening and that I wish him a Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Well, my friends, Happy St. Patricks Day and I do wish everyone of my friends to have a good day and evening. Don't forget to wear green, so you don't get pinched today.
Love Your Friend,
Sara M. M.

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